Professional Development for Groups

Interested in empowering your counseling staff with professional development opportunities? Empowered Pathways can help! We offer holistic training on high-need topics including neurodiversity, safety planning, developmentally-informed therapy, and more.

Click below to see our offerings and schedule a free consultation call. We look forward to chatting about how we can meet your organization’s unique training needs.



Online Pre-Recorded Trainings

CEU Credit:

Individuals who complete one of our training programs for CEU credit will fill out a digital survey (provided upon purchase). After completion of the survey, you will receive a downloadable certificate of completion. Please know, that while Empowered Pathways will provide a certificate of completion if you complete the necessary steps, it is your responsibility to check with your state’s licensing board to see if they accept this type of training as part of your required continuing education.

*Empowered Pathways is is an IDFPR-approved sponsor of continuing education for counselors licensed in the state of Illinois.

Our pre-recorded trainings are available for purchase using the links provided below.

One-Hour Trainings

Implications of ADHD During the Transition to College

  • In addition to learning key concepts related to ADHD symptoms during the transition to college, participants will apply these concepts to practical scenarios. This course includes interactive case studies where participants will be asked to identify ADHD symptoms. Participants will also learn to identify appropriate clinical interventions to advocate for the needs of clients with ADHD during the transition to college. This course will cover contemporary research to help participants understand the developmental needs of young adult students with ADHD.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    1 hour


    With CEU certificate: $45

    Without CEU certificate: $30

    *We also offer a checklist with helpful resources for students navigating on-campus ADHD supports. Check out the "therapy tools" section to learn more.

  • •Identify signs and symptoms of ADHD

    •Understand developmental research related to ADHD symptoms in college students

    •Recognize common stressors and mental health concerns associated with college preparation and adjusting to college life, and how these stressors may impact ADHD symptoms

    •Learn ways of promoting executive functioning skills that will allow students with ADHD to advocate for their academic and psychosocial goals

    •Understand the interconnected systems that will help support the needs of students with ADHD and learn to support your clients in navigating these systems.

  • Alyssa Loman M.S., LCPC, ADHD-CCSP

Understanding & Improving Executive Functioning Skills

  • This introductory course on executive functioning is a great opportunity to learn more about this concept, associated skills, and practical strategies that you can start using right away. In this course, you will learn what executive functioning is, what can cause executive dysfunction, practical examples of executive functioning difficulties in daily life, and how to strengthen and accommodate executive functioning weaknesses.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    1 hour


    With CEU certificate: $45

    Without CEU Certificate: $30

  • Define executive functioning and identify associated skills

    Identify causes of executive dysfunction

    Understand impairments commonly associated with executive dysfunction

    Learn strategies to strengthen weaker executive function skills

  • Alyssa Loman M.S., LCPC, ADHD-CCSP

Fostering Post-Traumatic Growth in Therapy

  • Trauma survivors experience significant distress that can be detrimental to overall mental health. Through the process of effective coping, however, some survivors come to experience profound personal growth that yields long-lasting benefits. This training offers practical tools that clinicians can use to help clients actively promote post-traumatic growth.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    1 hour


    With CEU certificate: $45

    Without CEU certificate: $30

  • Understand the holistic definition of post-traumatic growth

    Facilitate productive discussion of PTG with clients

    Foster therapeutic rapport conducive to growth

    Implement evidence-based interventions to foster PTG

  • Brynne Schroeder, MS, PhD

Strategizing for Self-Care

  • The term self-care is widely recognized, but how can we ensure we’re actually promoting lasting well-being? Meaningful self-care is much more than treating ourselves to something fun or taking a mental health day (although those can be great forms of self-care!) To get the most “bang for your buck” from self-care practice, it’s important to create an intentional plan based on evidence from psychology and neuroscience. This workshop will offer self-care strategies based on current research and a 5-step guideline for building personalized self-care plans.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    1 hour


    With CEU certificate: $45

    Without CEU certificate: $30

    *A downloadable self-care planning template is included with purchase of this training

  • Understand the definition and utility of holistic self-care

    Identify evidence-based self-care practices

    Build detailed and personalized self-care plans

    Implement evidence from contemporary research to promote sustained self-care practice and measure effectiveness

  • Brynne Schroeder, MS, PhD

Mental Health in Emerging Adulthood

  • College. Career decisions. Moving out. Navigating identity... These are just some of the monumental transitions that commonly occur between the ages of 18-19. Emerging adulthood is a unique developmental stage full of tremendous excitement and opportunity. But the drastic personal and interpersonal changes that occur during this time can also increase emerging adults' risk for mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. This presentation offers a nuanced understanding of the unique developmental considerations that impact mental health during this pivotal life stage.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    1 hour


    With CEU certificate: $45

    Without CEU certificate: $30

  • -Recognize the unique developmental milestones associated with emerging adulthood

    -Understand developmental influences on mental health during emerging adulthood

    -Utilize additional resources for mental health support and additional information

  • Brynne Schroeder, MS, PhD and Alyssa Loman M.S., LCPC, ADHD-CCSP

Understanding and Supporting Adult ADHD Clients

  • This introductory course on Adult Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) will teach you about the concept of neurodiversity, how to more accurately identify ADHD in adults and women, and practical strategies to better support your Adult ADHD clients.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    1 hour


    With CEU certificate: $45

    Without CEU certificate: $30

  • Identify signs and symptoms of ADHD

    Understand how ADHD presents differently across populations

    Discuss common comorbidities and co-occurring disorders

    Recognize risk factors associated with ADHD

    Learn treatment and support options

  • Alyssa Loman, LPC, LCPC, ADHD-CCSP

Two and Three-Hour Trainings

Empowered Emergence: Developmental Considerations With Emerging Adult Therapy Clients

  • The transition from adolescence to adulthood is a complex life stage with significant challenges and opportunities. This training offers a comprehensive overview of developmental factors that impact mental health during emerging adulthood and practical strategies for developmentally appropriate treatment. Topics covered include: identity development in emerging adulthood, building rapport with emerging adult clients, and cultivating a therapeutic balance of guidance and client autonomy. Learners will engage in active learning by applying concepts from developmental psychology research to realistic case examples.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    3 hours


    With CEU certificate: $85

    Without CEU certificate: $65

    *We also offer a toolkit with helpful resources for working with emerging adult therapy clients. Check out the "therapy tools" section to learn more.

  • Define the concept of emerging adulthood and understand its key components

    Understand the key developmental tasks associated with the life stage of emerging adulthood

    Apply developmental concepts, like identity development status, to realistic case examples and identify appropriate treatment interventions

    Recognize the most common mental health concerns faced by young adults

    Implement evidence-based treatment strategies to support emerging adult clients as they navigate increasing independence and autonomy

  • Brynne Schroeder, MS, PhD

It’s Not You, It’s ADHD: How ADHD Affects Relationships

  • This training will review the symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their impact on relationships and communication. It will delve into often overlooked aspects of ADHD including how symptoms present differently in adults and women, the role of emotion dysregulation, and the importance of executive functioning skill-building. It will provide practical strategies, resources, and case examples to help individuals and clients with ADHD better understand their relationship difficulties and strengths in order to improve overall relationship quality.

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    3 hours


    With CEU certificate: $85

    Without CEU certificate: $65

  • Identify signs and symptoms of ADHD

    Recognize how ADHD presents differently in adults and women

    Understand how ADHD symptoms impact communication and relationships

    Review how emotion regulation and executive function skills are connected to ADHD symptoms and impairments

    Learn strategies and skills to help clients and couples improve their communication and challenge unhealthy relationship dynamics

  • Alyssa Loman, M.S., LCPC, ADHD-CCSP

Collaborative Safety Planning for Adolescents With Suicidal Ideation

  • The CDC reports that suicide is among the leading causes of death for adolescents in the United States. It is crucial that mental health professionals recognize the signs of suicidal ideation, understand what referral sources are available, and have the ability to implement collaborative safety planning. This training will cover those important topics and offer evidence-based strategies for personalizing safety plans

  • Format:

    Pre-recorded video


    2 hours


    With CEU certificate: $60

    Without CEU certificate: $45

  • Identify signs of suicidality in adolescents

    Utilize appropriate assessment tools and referrals when needed

    Understand the key components of an effective safety plan

    Recognize pertinent developmental psychology

    Build rapport through collaborative safety planning

    Personalize safety plans to the unique needs of the individual

  • Brynne Schroeder, MS, PhD

Therapy Tools

These resources are designed to have direct practical benefits for therapy clients. Upon purchase, you will receive access to the materials via digital download.

  • Product Title: Checklist for Navigating ADHD Student Resources on Campus

    Product Description: Set students up for psychological and academic success as they navigate the transition to college. This checklist offers a comprehensive overview of common campus resources for students with ADHD, along with specific questions that many students don’t think to ask.

    Length: 4 pages

    Price: digital download for $5.00

  • Product Title: Empowered Emergence: A Toolkit for Working With Emerging Adult Therapy Clients

    Product Description: The Empowered Emergence Toolkit includes valuable resources for working with emerging adult therapy clients, including:

    -Psychoeducational info sheets on topics related to development in emerging adulthood

    -Templates for 5 therapeutic activities

    -Journal prompts tailored to the developmental tasks of emerging adulthood

    Length: 21 pages

    Price: digital download for $20.00